Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow

After New York City receives a series of attacks from giant flying robots, a reporter teams up with a pilot in search of their origin, as well as the reason for the disappearances of famous scientists around the world.

On Sundays, my family usually has a movie afternoon.  Most of the time, we watch some kind of superhero movie (usually a Marvel comics one), so it took a little bit of convincing to get my boys to want to watch this one.  The DVD cover doesn't look like a regular superhero flick, but I finally convinced them that this was about superheroes, just a little different.  Anyway, not that we've got that bit of background out of the way, on to my review.

I love this movie.  It was very stylized--it felt like I was watching a movie from the 30's or 40's.  The plot and characters could have been a little more developed.  The movie could have been longer.  But what was there was highly enjoyable.  There was humor, action, romance, and fun.  It was a good Sunday family movie.  I rate it 5 out of 5.


Mindy said...

I think I've tried to watch this one about three times... and I was bored and couldn't finish it. ;) That's what makes the world go 'round, I guess.

Brenda said...

I am shocked, SHOCKED, that we don't have the same movie taste on this one. We match exactly in every other area.

Mindy said...

I KNOW! This is like the first time we haven't agreed on a movie! It's like the end of the world or something! ;)


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