All About Steve

Quirky crossword puzzle maker Mary falls for Steve on their first blind date... unfortunately he doesn't feel quite the same way about her. She takes his brush off literally and follows him across the country, refusing to take "go away" seriously.

This movie had a few funny moments, although it wasn't nearly as funny as Miss Congeniality. It mostly seemed silly, and it seemed that somebody Mary's age would be a little less naive... I enjoyed Thomas Haden Church because of fond memories of watching Wings. If you have nothing else to see, it probably won't kill you. 2.5.


Brenda said...

I think I remember seeing previews for this one. The plot doesn't sound great, and that front cover sure doesn't make me want to see it.

Brenda said...

Err, I mean that movie poster, not that front cover. I'm too used to books.


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