Jason's Top 20 Favorite Movies

20.  Multiplicity
19.  Fargo
18.  High Fidelity
17.  Napoleon Dynamite
16.  Finding Nemo
15.  Best In Show
14.  Lord of the Rings Trilogy
13.  Raising Arizona
12.  Gangs of New York
11.  L.A. Confidential
10.  The Jerk
9.    Office Space
8.    Goodfellas
7.    Forrest Gump
6.    Star Wars (Episodes III - VI)
5.    The Princess Bride
4.    Hoosiers
3.    Rain Man
2.    The Big Lebowski
1.    The Godfather I and II


Brenda said...

I agree with three of those, although I don't have The Princess Bride on my list. You'll have to change the other 17. ;)

Mindy said...

I like Multiplicity, Napoleon, Finding Nemo, Forrest Gump, The Princess Bride, Hoosiers, and Rainman. The rest I haven't seen, or don't remember, or didn't particularly like. :)

Adam Howell said...

Did you mean Star Wars Episodes IV - VI or did you really like the third one too?

Brenda said...

The third one was crap. He couldn't have meant the third one.

Jason said...

I liked the third one.


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