This guy and this girl, who you have no idea who they are, are maybe in love, and maybe not, and they do some sort of scam together (you think... but you can't really tell what's going on). How's that for a description? Confusing? Well, welcome to the movie. The first hour I had NO IDEA what was going on at all. The second hour (yes this movie drags out over 2 whole hours) I understood slightly more... enough to mildly wonder what was going to happen. I hate movies that make me feel lost the entire time, and this was one of them. I'll give it a 1.5 out of 5. And the .5 is only because Clive is a nice looking man. Otherwise it would only get 1.
I think I saw this one awhile ago, but I can't really remember it.
You probably had no idea what happened, so there's nothing to remember. ;) If you do remember, I'd like to know what you thought.
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