The Expendables

A team of mercenaries head to South America on a mission to overthrow a dictator.

The Expendables was exactly what I thought it would be: an action filled movie with some of my favorite actors. The story was okay, it wasn't anything amazing, but I think the acting was good, and there was a lot of Jason Statham, and that's never a bad thing.

Oops, how did that get there? I've lost my train of thought. Oh yeah, Expendables. If you're not an action movie fan, you won't like this movie. I can pretty much guarantee that. But if, like me, you're all about stuff blowing up and everybody shooting and fighting everybody else, you'll love this. I give it 4 out of 5 stars.


Mindy said...

I don't know how we grew up doing the same things, even sharing a bedroom most of our lives, and we end up with such opposite tastes in some things. :) It makes me laugh. I do appreciate the eye candy, though. ;)

Brenda said...

He's even more eye candyish when he's actioning in movies.


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