
Set in a futuristic world where humans live in isolation and interact through surrogate robots, a cop (Willis) is forced to leave his home for the first time in years in order to investigate the murders of others’ surrogates.

Meh.  I could leave it at that one word, and that would probably sum up my review.  I didn't really have many feelings about this movie at all.  Not good, not bad, just kind of blah.  But I did find that it was kind of weird that all the people who were living through surrogates weren't fatter.  If all you ever did was sit there and control your surrogate thingy, and presumably you still had to eat to stay alive, I think you'd probably become a little overweight.  Even people in real life who don't exercise move around somewhat.  They don't just lay in a chair all day long.  Also, the people who rejected having surrogates, who were kind of fighting against it were all ugly and a lot of them were overweight.  It was just all kind of backwards.  I probably wouldn't recommend this one.  It just wasn't very good.  3 out of 5

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