Leap Year


I'm so behind on my movie reviews!  I really need to get caught up.  And here we have our first joint review.
Dallas: I overall didn't like it. It had some cute parts that made me chuckle. I thought the end was the cutest part. It felt like it was kind of dragging, and I was just waiting for something to happen.

Brenda: I felt about the same as Dallas.  I kept wondering when it would get good.  There was some pretty scenery, but it just wasn't good enough to make up for the lack of story.  Also, there were a lot of romance movie cliches.  Like some old person telling the fake romantic couple to kiss, and then they do a stupid little peck, and the old person says, "no, a real kiss", and then they really kiss and then afterwards they look at each other like they're falling in love.  Yeah, that's been done.  It wasn't horrible, it just wasn't great.  I'd give it a 3 out of 5, or maybe 2 1/2.

1 comment:

Mindy said...

I still want to see it, but apparently it's not making it out here to the sticks. I'll have to wait until it comes out on video.


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