You Only Live Twice

Agent 007 and the Japanese secret service ninja force must find and stop the true culprit of a series of spacejackings before nuclear war is provoked.

This is not what the cover of our DVD looks like, but this movie poster was so awesome that I had to use it.  Plus, it almost writes my review for me.  But, since my New Years resolution is to not be so lazy (not really, I can be as lazy as I want), I'm going to actually write out a review.

Troy and I are big James Bond movie fans, but I've realized, as we've collected and watched them, that I do prefer the newer ones.  But the older ones definitely have their value, if for nothing else than the unintentional comedy.  I was laughing during this movie quite a bit, and it really wasn't meant to be funny.  It's just classic James Bond.

I'm not sure I'd recommend this to anyone but James Bond fans, although as a matter of interest, many of the things you see in the Austin Powers movie came from this movie.  I'd rate it 3 out of 5.

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