The Proposal

Successful editor being deported back to Canada blackmails her assistant who hates her into marrying her so she can remain in the U.S. They go to his families house for his grandmother birthday in Alaska. I thought it was cute but extremely predictable, it seemed to me to be How to Loose a guy in 10 days meets The wedding date. Cute chick flick, worth renting but I wouldn't buy it. 3.5 out of 5 stars.


Mindy said...

I agree... it was cute, predictable, and an okay rental. I did find the "stripper" part very uncomfortable! :)

Brenda said...

I agree with your review. Troy's sister loved it so much that she saw it twice in theaters and bought it when it came out on DVD. I thought it was okay, but pretty much just for a one time viewing.


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