Hmmm... not much to say about this one. A guy finds out he fathered two kids... twins. He has to "babysit" them in the middle of a great big business deal. You can probably guess the rest. If you like REALLY silly movies, with unbelievable "funny" special effects, and over the top slapstick violence, and really weak predictable plot lines, then you might like this one. I laughed a couple of times, but I was mostly trying to be polite. I didn't want to tear my eyeballs out, though, so if you have to sit through it, you probably won't die. Maybe 1 1/2 stars out of 5.
This one looked stupid to me just from the previews. It wasn't one I was interested in seeing. Sounds like I was right.
You were right. It's definitely not one that I would pay for. Maybe if your in the movie store and you can't fine anything else that you would want to see.
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