Firefly and Serenity

Firefly is a TV series that aired for one season in 2002.  It actually didn't even air for the full season.  I think it's because Fox does not know how to market their shows, or even how to run the shows in order.  In other words, Firefly was a great show that still has a huge fan following, and Fox sucks.

Firefly is set in the future, where Earth became uninhabitable and the humans traveled to another star system, and began settling there.  I would categorize it as a space western, I think.  Most of the show takes place on their spaceship, or with them doing different jobs (they're kind of hired criminals) on various worlds.  The acting is great, and the show writing is great (Joss Whedon always is).

Serenity was a movie made in 2005 that finished the story, since the last show of Firefly definitely wasn't a good ending to the story (in fact, it was horrible).  The movie was every bit as good as the show.  Great sci-fi action.  I would definitely recommend both the TV series and the movie.  5 out of 5.

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