X-Men Origins: Wolverine

My house is full of huge X-Men fans, so I thought it'd pretty much be a given that I'd love this movie. And I did. But from reading all the reviews of comic book/X-Men fans, it feels like I wasn't supposed to like it. But what's not to like? There was lots of action, lots of eye candy, an interesting (if slightly inconsistent) story . . . all very good things.

There were some new characters introduced in this movie. Some of them (like The Blob) were pretty stupid, but others (Deadpool, Gambit, Agent Zero) were pretty cool. I hope they make lots more X-Men movies. There are plenty of characters to choose from and focus on. I love Wolverine, but I think it's time to do some other characters now. I have a feeling there may be another Wolverine movie, though. I heard they're making a Deadpool origins movie, so that'll be good.

I recommend this movie to fans of action movies, fans of X-Men (unless you're extremely hardcore and hate changes), and fans of Hugh Jackman.

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